
Lige nu er 10 antifas anklaget for voldelige raids mod fascistmiljøer i delstaterne Thüringen og Sachsen og for medlemskab af en kriminel forening iflg. paragraf 129.
Den øverste statslige anklagemyndighed har fokus på antifaaktivisten Lina E. (28), som anklages i ni forhold.
Hun har nu været varetægtsfængslet i 2 ½ år. Statsanklagemyndigheden ved lands-retten i Dresden meddelte torsdag d. 30. marts 2023, at de efter ialt 92 retsmøder (!) vil
fremsætte en strafudmåling onsdag i næste
Antifagrupper fra hele Tyskland vil mobilisere til demonstrationer og aktioner næstkommende lørdag efter dommen.
- Antifa Queer-feminists: "Let’s take care of each other, so we can be dangerous together"



Efter anklagemyndighedens strafudmålings- procedure vil Linas forsvarer komme til orde. Selve domsafgørelsen forventes i starten af maj.
Alt tyder på, at dommerpanelet, som har fastholdt Linas langvarige varetægtsfængsling, slutter op om statsanklagemyndighedens påstand om Linas centrale rolle i raidene mod nazitilholdssteder.

Lige nu er 10 antifas anklaget for voldelige raids mod fascistmiljøer i delstaterne Thüringen og Sachsen og
for medlemskab af en kriminel forening iflg. paragraf 129. (1)
Den øverste statslige
anklage-myndighed har fokus på den 28-årige Lina E., der som den eneste anklages i ni forhold.
- Deriblandt angrebet i oktober 2019 på det berygtede samlings-sted for nazigrupper, bodega ”Bull’s Eye“, i byen Eisenach i den østtyske delstat Thüringen. Ejeren er en kendt neonazi ved navn Leon Ringl. I forbindelse med angrebet blev nogle tilstedeværende nazier lettere såret og barens indretning beskadiget.
- Andre anklagepunkter handler blandt andet om et angreb på en neonazi, forhen-værende medlem af nazipartiet NPD og byrådsmedlem i Leipzig (han hetzede konstant mod flygtninge i byen), samt et angreb på en større gruppe neonazier, der deltog i en sørgemarch for nazilederen Rudolf Hess. De fleste nazier flygtede og efterlod nogle af deres sårede.

- Paragraf 129 - ”Tysklands farligste venstreekstremist”

Det juridiske grundlag for anklagerne er paragraffen 129, der som regel bliver hevet frem ved hændelser, der
formodes at have en politisk baggrund. Efter Linas anholdelse blev hun af den reaktionære avis Bildzeitung udråbt til ”Tysklands farligste venstreekstremist”.
Som bevismateriale i processen mod hende fremlagde anklagemyndigheden en paryk, to hammere, kontanter, nogle mobiltelefoner samt hendes benyttelse af appen
Anklagen bliver ledsaget af en massiv hets mod hende i reaktionære medier og hurtigt udviklede det sig til et massivt angreb på hele den antifascistiske bevægelse – specielt mod dens
aktivistiske, militante fløj.
Kronvidnet Johannes Domhöver
Siden juni 2022 er situationen mod de anklagede antifas blevet betydelig skærpet, da retssagen mod en af de medanklagede antifas bliver adskilt som separat sag, fordi han til gengæld for strafnedsættelse har erklæret sig villig til at agere som kronvidne mod sine medanklagede kammerater. Det drejer sig om Johannes Domhöver.

- Forhistorien er kort fortalt:
I februar 2021 blev der i forbindelse med anklagerne lavet ransagninger i de beskyldte antifas boliger. I Johannes Domhövers mailboks fandt
politiet en udførlig mail med beskyldning om voldtægt, som han ifølge mailen har begået i 2017.
Kriminalpolitiet (LKA) i Sachsen overgav så mailen til statsadvokaten i Berlin, som derefter anlagde en sag om sexualforbrydelse. Den voldtagne person fik først dette at vide, da hun blev
indkladt som vidne.
Domhövers advokat kørte de sædvanlige afværge-manøvrer mod den voldtagne persons udsagn og i maj 2022 blev retssagen lukket med begrundelsen: ”At råbe og græde ved en sexuel handling indenfor et forhold er ikke tilstrækkeligt til at udtrykke afvisning.”
Lukningen af retssagen mod Domhöver skete ifølge både den voldtagne persons advokat og hendes venskabsmiljø usædvanlig hurtigt (- og kort efter
folk fra Verfassungs-schutz (PET) havde opsøgt ham i fængslet).
Umiddelbart efter blev Domhöver overført til et af politiets beskyttelsesprogrammer som kronvidne i antifa retssagen. I hele tolv retsmøder måtte de anklagede antifas og deres støtter i
salen høre på hans fantasifulde udlægninger af de verserende anklager.

Lina har nu været fængslet i byen Chemitz i næsten 2 ½ år . Ifølge antifas advokater regner man med, at
retssagen mod de anklagede afsluttes i maj.
Allerede på nuværende tidspunkt forberedes de næste anklager mod formodede antifa-aktivister i det miljø, Lina er del af. Bl.a. som resultat af anklagemyndighedens
De kommende retsprocesser mod aktivister fra antifamiljøet vil ligeledes finde sted i Dresden. (folk fra autonom infoservice)

1) Paragraf 129 blev til i det tyske kejserrige og fungerede som repressionsparagraf mod arbejder- bevægelsens tilblivelse.
Repressionsparagraffen blev i 1936 under nazierne udvidet til at omfatte alle, der støtter statsfjendtlige aktiviteter i ord og handling.
Paragraffen indgik efter Anden Verdenskrig i Forbundsrepublikkens/BRDs strafferet og blev i 1970, på højdepunktet af den statslige repression mod den udenomsparlamentariske
venstrefløj, udvidet med paragraf 129a. Vendt mod ”dannelsen og understøttelse af en terroristisk forening”. Paragraffen så bort fra individuel bevisførelse og dømte ud fra et kollektivt
På baggrund af den globale ”kamp mod terrorisme” blev paragraf 129a efter den 11. september 2001 suppleret med 129b. Ensbetydende med
en yderligere indskrænkning af borgernes rettigheder. Med paragraf 129b kan organisationer, som er aktive i udlandet og som bliver kategoriseret som kriminelle eller terroristiske i det
pågældende land, også blive retsforfulgt i Tyskland.


- Kommentar fra Antifa Queer-feminists
"Let’s take care of each other, so we can be dangerous together"
The Antifa-East trial is a far-reaching blow of the state against the entire left-wing radical and
anti-fascist movement. We are aware of this and are generally in solidarity with those affected by repression.
In the course of this trial and the Soli campaign, some shitty information about patriarchal behavior of some of the accused and their environment came to light, which stunned
We have to draw a line here and ask, if a common basis in terms of content exists and whether we have it at all. We have to declare ourselves
clearly and critically towards certain persons and their patriarchal behavior, towards perpetrators as well as the perpetrator-protecting environment.
It is possible and necessary to criticize and to continue to fight against repression. In addition to the Soli-Antifa-Ost
alliance, we also want to call other structures in different cities to account. With all the criticism, frustration and doubts that we have, this case of repression is one that must not remain
unanswered by us and instead must be accompanied critically in solidarity.
We take the slogan: "Althought some have been hit, all of us were meant“ seriously! And we will also react together to every further repressive strike against antifascists. We commit
ourselves to militant anti-fascism!
We commit ourselves to an active anti-racism! We have decided
to organize an anti-patriarchal block, which will be the front of the Day X demo at the end of the ongoing Antifa-East trail. We take the space we deserve and counter the image of the male antifa
heroes (macker) with our ideas of feminist, anti-patriarchal and anti-state militancy and anti-fascism.
The term anti-patriarchal bloc contradicts our
actual assumption that the entire demo should have understood that positioning themselves anti-patriachal is a necessity. Even though we see the principles as a benchmark for the entire demo, the
recent 2 events have shown that the concept is still necessary.

Antifa does not work without feminism. Fascism, racism and patriarchal
oppression, like all relations of domination, are closely linked. The struggle against fascism must therefore include the struggle against patriarchy.
A common practice with the only commonality of wanting to attack Nazis is not enough for us. In our anti-fascist practice, we must also talk
about patriarchal behavior among ourselves. As correctly analyzed in the Red Aid statement at the end of last year:
- The betrayal did not begin with Domhöver’s statements! The betrayal starts with every assault, every rape!
We have to build structures we trust in and in which we know each other
as well as our relationships well and keep an eye on them. We must intervene when we notice patriarchal behavior among our companions. We do not allow sexualized violence in our structures. We
confront and fight perpetrators of sexualized violence. We want them to be afraid and know that their actions will not go unanswered. We found the linked discussion and action proposal
Our solidarity against state, patriarchy
and repression. Patriarchal violence also manifests itself in state institutions such as the judiciary. They represent the power of the state and
the norms of this society, such as patriarchal and racist violence, classism and exploitation.

The judiciary as well as the courts
are permeated by a patriarchal order in which the judge (as the patriarch) arbitrates and punishes, the prosecution accuses, and the accused have nothing to say. The justice system is based on
extremely sexist and racist laws created by white cis-hetero men. Yet it claims to be objective in a patriarchal logic.
There is supposed to be only punishment to resolve conflicts. We FLINTAs and Queers are opposed by the state because of our bodies, sexuality, alledged psychological characteristics, anti-fascism
and militancy that deviate from the norm. The first prisons were ones for women for chastising deviant behavior.
Thus repression was first already historically directed against women (and those seen as women) and Queers. At the same time, sexual violence is trivialized and alienated by the
justice system, which they declare to be objectively judged, but rapists are almost never convicted. This is not linked to the demand for increased prosecution, but reveals structural dimensions
of patriarchy in the state.
The Antifa-East trial and
Johannes Domhöver’s (JD) statements clearly shows again how sexualized violence is presented in a trivializing and denying manner. How sexist and retraumatizing the handling of the sexual
criminal proceedings for the affected person was, has been described in detail in the article „Zum Sexualstrafverfahren gegen den Kronzeugen Johannes Domhöver“.
The closing of ranks between state and internal violence was manifested in the fact that for a long time there was knowledge of
the perpetration of JD and the wider environment. This knowledge was not acted upon, and people were covered up.

Two years after the perpetration of JD became known, there is an explicit statement from the cis-men of the Soli-Antifa-Ost, it took them two fucking years! So we will not stop fighting the state and its laws, fascists and patriarchal pigs.
- We want the fear to change sides!
Therefore, our feminism can only be anti-state. Our solidarity and struggle against repression must be feminist. So we are in solidarity with those who are affected by state repression because of their anti-fascism, because we as feminist antifascists are affected as well. The repression is directed against us as a movement.
Feminist & militant organizing against the state and patriarchy! Feminist militant organizing has a
history, we have always been there, sometimes more sometimes less visible. For us, militancy is no end in itself, but a legitimate means in the struggle against exploitation and
We do not want to fall prey to a fetish of violence and therefore consider very care-fully when we choose which means to achieve our goals. This includes weighing
the risks of repression, injury to uninvolved persons, proportionality of violence, etc. We talk about repression and jail in our environment, about fears, needs and measures in dealing with
With consensus and mindfulness among ourselves, we build binding structures. We take time to pay attention to
different needs and abilities and to talk about safety precautions. This way, we build trust in each other, strengthen each other and can rely on each other even when the going gets
This is the basis for our self-protection against state attacks, informers and patriarchal assaults. This way we can be strong together and be dangerous to the
state and fascists.

- Come to the anti-patriarchal block!
The block is all-gender, for people who clearly position themselves queerfeminist and intersectional and behave
accordingly (no radical feminists). The front rows are FLINTA-only.
We don’t want hetero-cis dudes mucking around!(Queer-) feminist slogans should be shouted along and not shouted down by others.
Anti-patriarchal behavior on demos means for us as well that we are attentive to collective dynamics in the block and individual actions. We use the strength of our
collective consciousness to be aware of everyone around us, to support each other and to protect each other from arrests and attacks!
- We are happy when people can empower themselves and give a militant expression to their anger!
kilde: Nachrichten aus Leipzig: "Let’s take care of each other, so we can be dangerous
- links
