Internationale Automobil Ausstellung (IAA) er en af bilverdenens største messer, hvor bilfabrikanter præsenterer deres modeller og
årets nyheder. Messen afholdes i München den 5. til 10. september 2023.
En aktionsalliance mellem “Sand im Getriebe”, ”No Future for IAA” og ”Smash IAA” er ved at forberede
aktioner mod bilkoncernernes messe i München.
Klimaalliancens mobiliserings grundlag:
“Block IAA 2023 – Disempower car companies, protect climate!”

Klimakrisens profitører
Klimaalliancen vil med mangfoldige former for civil ulydighed
protestere mod, at kapitalismen transformerer den akutte klima-
krise til kæmpe forretninger for automobilindustriens neokoloniale udbytning og militære oprustning.

Klimaaktivisterne vil oprette en mobiliseringscamp den 5.-10. september i Münchens Luitpoldpark, hvor der vil være plads til telte for 1500 deltagere. Som afslutning på aktionsdagene organiseres der en demonstration under sloganet ”#Block IAA!”, hvor bl.a. også Fridays for Future, Ende Gelände og Attac deltager.
Klimaaktivisterne fra ’Die letzte Generation’ er allerede gået i gang med forskellige protestaktioner i München. Formålet er at gøre den bayriske hovedstad til en højborg for protesterne
mod bilmessen.
Die letzte Generation har derudover iværksat en kampagne, som går ud på at etablere et samfundsråd bestående af tilfældigt udvalgte borgere, der udenom regeringen skal udarbejde en plan
for, hvordan Tyskland indtil 2030 bliver helt fri for fossile brændstoffer.
(al./autonom infoservice)
- Letzte Generation: Protest gegen IAA in München

- Klimaalliancens mobiliserings grundlag
Block IAA 2023 – Disempower car companies, protect climate!
We are heading unchecked toward a climate catastrophe – and the car companies continue to press on the gas pedal: more and more cars, ever
larger and heavier, are clogging up the roads, taking away the air we breathe and heating up the climate. This has to stop now!
While in Munich from 05-10.09.2023 the car companies try to pull off their sales show, we stand up as part of the climate justice movement for a fair and social mobility turnaround and a stop of
the destructive car production!
We need immediately a fair, good mobility for all of us, which connects and does not trample all livelihoods.
Also we need a production that does not produce cars, but the things that make a good life possible for us: tramways, suburban trains, bicycles, intercity buses, and everything that serves
the needs of people instead of profits.
It’s about time to take on the car industry.
Already 1.1°C hotter world is hell for many people. And the motto of the corporations is: Keep growing! They are cheerfully flooding the world with endless streams of cars. Last year alone, 72
million cars were produced worldwide.
This means that the automotive industry is responsible
for an incredible 9% of global emissions.
A different drive system alone does not change the extreme consumption of resources and space. Electric cars can never guarantee climate-friendly mobility for everyone and only shift and mask the
problems of the car from one region of the world to another – precisely to the places and people who are already much more affected by the consequences of the climate crisis.
So that cars can roll off the assembly lines in Munich, Wolfsburg, Stuttgart and Ingolstadt, groundwater and the livelihoods of the people living there are pumped out in the Chilean Atacama Desert and in Jujuy in Argentina, among other places, for the extraction of lithium.

It has been known for years that there has to be an end to car production, and with the climate crisis it has been given a definitive
expiration date. While this was initially ignored by the car companies, they are now „transforming“ in panic. IG-Metall assumes that, if things turn out as the car companies imagine, there will
be around 100,000 to 450,000 fewer people employed.
In this situation, it cannot be a matter of keeping an outdated, oversized and resource-guzzling industry alive a few years longer. Instead,
we must now rethink the production and reproduction of our mobility, away from apparent individual transport and short-sighted profits, and toward collectivity and a focus on needs.

We need a massive expansion of public transport and, at the same time, a socialization of the car companies that focuses on people’s needs,
not on growth constraints and profit maximi-zation.
In Munich at the IAA, we, together with many other actors, are ringing in the end of the car age, defending our fundamental right to climate
protection and demanding the socially just restructuring of corporations and production chains.
Our publicly announced action will present an image of diversity, creativity and openness. Everyone, whether experienced in protest or not, can join in. Together we will throw sand in the gears
of the car industry!
You can be a part of this action in very different ways: whether blocking, cooking, demonstrating, dancing, holding vigils, transporting people and things, providing emotional or legal support and much more – no matter what you can do, come along, because YOU are an important part of this resistance in every role!
Block IAA is our contribution to climate justice and a fundamental system change. Come to the Mobility Transition Camp in Munich from September 5-10 2023 and become part of the movement!
#BlockIAA 2023 – Disempower car companies, protect
- #BlockIAA 2023 – Autokonzerne entmachten, Klima schützen!

Næste klima stop
Auto Show - Danmark 2024
Auto Show fylder 40.000 kvadratmeter
i og udenfor Odense Congress Center.
17.-18. august 2024
Odense Congress Center
Ørbækvej 350, Odense